For all the British English lovers & learners.
ズボン:Trousers (British) or Pants (American)
絆創膏:Plaster (British) or Band-Aid (American)
アパート:Flat (British) or Apartment (American)
Quite interesting…
Ta !!! w
Kuniaki Mogami|Fishing,Foods,My Favorite Things|2016年12月04日
Chillled sunrise from my favorite fishing spot
Morito beach in Hayama at 6:30am on Sunday morning.
Caught my first Turbot for this winter season.
Looks like a good start, isn’t it ???
Arranged on the pottery dish which I bought from
Moyai-Kougei in Kamakura last week and
a touch of beautiful yellow colour Yuzu skin on the top.
Bon Appetit !!!